To See Men and Women used by God for His Glory & Their Joy

Larry & Ruthie Moody
Our entire ministry lives have been dedicated to helping men and women encounter the life-shaping love of Jesus as they discover and embrace the forgiveness and redemption found in His death and resurrection. From our time in college running a New York City youth group, through our years with New Life, Walk Through the Bible, and Search, God has used us continuously to help “recruit” new team members, and encourage them to get out of the audience and into the game. We’ve been honored to serve as spiritual triage, helping those broken by life circumstances or personal choices find the healing and peace offered in the gospel. And we’ve had the opportunity to help countless men and women find their security, significance, and satisfaction in Him and His calling.
In this new season of life, we are amazed at the number of doors God continues to open to us to serve in these ways. In the past few months alone we’ve been invited into the lives of golfers, executives, and pastors — some of whom we’ve prayed about for years, and others we’ve only just met. There appears to be an inexhaustible need for the themes of our 50 years in ministry together.
The opportunities to share the gospel are always welcome, but we get just as excited when we can help others experience that joy. Three weeks ago we saw God create a conversational opportunity for a new disciple not five minutes after we prayed together for an open door with the man. He was one of several new disciples we were taking through key principles of the Christian life in Western Maryland.
We are excited to tell you about IN THE GAME MINISTRIES. It is a 501(c)3 charitable organization which began on January 1, 2019.

questions about God and life.
what God has given us into others.